The Body Knows: Ask a Medical Intuitive by Caroline Sutherland

Dear Caroline,

I have often wondered if there is a correlation between sugar and cancer? I had cancer five years ago and often crave sugar. Please shed some light on this for me.
Judy Erickson, Royal Oak Michigan

Dear Judy,

Despite the decade-long war on cancer – the fundraisers, the walk-a-thons, the lapel ribbons – there are more people diagnosed with cancer today than ever before. In my opinion, the war on cancer will not be won with some miracle drug or millions spent on research, but with a few simple strategies and revealing truths. I am sure you will find the following information very revealing.

Did you know that cancer cells are glucose supported? Perhaps our starch and sugar laden diets may have something to do with cancer statistics.

In my line of work, I am privileged to meet a variety of forward-thinking health professionals. Recently, I had the opportunity to discuss the role of sugars and its effect on cancer with two well-respected cancer specialists.

One Florida based oncologist uses a P.E.T. (Positron Emission Tomography) scan to assess cancer patients in his clinic. The process requires the injection of radioactive isotopes and glucose into the body. This unique scanning device then takes slice-like images of the patient from head to toe. Radioactive chemicals emit wave lengths which can be measured. The images are carefully observed to see just where the glucose and radioactive isotopes will travel.

Glucose is first observed in the brain. This is to be expected because glucose is the fuel that allows the brain to think and send messages to those parts of the body where functions are to be performed. Next, the glucose is observed in the liver. There it is stored in the form of glycogen for the body to draw on for its energy supply.

What happens next is what really interests the oncologist. As the P.E.T. scans the rest of the body, it is observed that the glucose and radioactive isotopes go directly to and attach themselves to existing cancer cells. This is how new cancers are located or how a patient can be determined to be cancer-free. What is the oncologist’s explanation of this? Fast growing cells need sugar for survival – cancer cells are glucose supported.

Another Chicago-based oncologist utilizes an innovative form of cancer treatment called Insulin Potentiation Therapy or I.T.P. Cancer patients are given low dose chemotherapy, with minimal side effects, and insulin to balance erratic blood sugar levels. Patients are said to immediately feel better with more energy due to their stabilized blood sugar. When asked how can one stay out of the cancer zone, this physician replied “Stay away from sugar and do the all-important forgiveness work.”

Cancer is a multi-faceted disease. Stress, a weakened immune system, hormone imbalances, a toxic environment, a victim consciousness or a deeply held resentment, any or all of these can contribute to a predisposition to cancer, but sugar too is an important piece of the puzzle.

Let’s take a look at your diet. Is it heavy on the sugars and carbohydrates? Do you know that carbohydrates convert into sugar in the body? That means the pizza, pasta, rice, and bread you love so much, in addition to the cookies, cake, candy and ice cream, convert into glucose. And you remember where the glucose goes? Even juices, dried fruit, honey and excess fresh fruit is all sugar. A vegetarian diet, unless it is well managed with adequate protein, also contains too much starch and sugar.

Another element worth mentioning is Candida Albicans, a strain of yeast found in the digestive tract and other moist mucous membranes of the body. Candida is one of the great plagues in our culture. It thrives on starch and sugar. People who suffer from an overgrowth of this yeast experience fatigue, a craving of sweets and carbohydrates and a host of other symptoms. Major diseases such as Lupus, cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer’s, Chronic Fatigue and Multiple Sclerosis often have Candida in their symptom profile.

Practical strategies to keep candida and cancer at bay:

And very, very important…. Love life. Love yourself!

Caroline Sutherland has been a medical intuitive for 20 years. Her popular book, “The Body Knows” – how to tune in to your body and improve your health (Hay House) shows us how to implement the intuitive process for ourselves. Visit online at 

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