A Toast to Your Beauty!


Snap Dragon Beauty Beverage offers all the Nutrients to Keep you
Looking Beautiful, inside and out!

In today’s fast paced world, hectic schedules make it difficult to follow a healthy diet routine. Day-to-day obligations force most to turn to quick “grab and go” meals that lack the vitamins and nutrients our bodies need to stay and look healthy and beautiful. When the proper foods aren’t consumed, the body isn’t the only thing that suffers, but our skin does to – adopting uneven and dull tones. Luckily Votre Vu, a luxurious skin care brand bringing the best naturally-based solutions to the U.S. market and beyond, has developed a tasty beauty beverage filled with all the necessary nutrients to keep our bodies healthy and beautiful, from the inside out. Snap Dragon is the perfect addition to your beauty regime, and delicious enough for even the pickiest of eaters.

What is Votre Vu’s Snap Dragon Beauty Beverage? Snap Dragon is a brand new Beauty Beverage infused with naturally healthy ingredients. Votre Vu leaves out preservatives and added sugars that are commonly found in other drinks. The beverage includes the recommended 7 daily vitamins, as well as Collagen, Aloe Vera, and Gingko to support healthy skin, hair, and nails. Red, White, and Green teas add spice to your day, while the White Mango, Pomegranate and Acai Berry Juices add flavors to keep your taste buds satisfied! Retail Cost: $23 (2 pack), $39 (4 pack).

A Recipe for Beauty! Snap Dragon is a great refreshing drink on its own, but when mixed with your other beverages, it can take them from ordinary to beauty-licous!

Morning Smoothie – Combine Snap Dragon into your breakfast smoothie. Blend with fruit and yogurt for a morning boost!
Afternoon Ice – Blend Snap Dragon with ice to create a refreshing, cool drink on a hot summer afternoon!
Evening “Mocktail” – Mix Snap Dragon with club soda for a fun, bubbly drink that’s a great substitute to sugar-filled sodas.

Cheers to your Health and Beauty!

Visit online at www.votrevu.com

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