Choosing the Right Fruits and Vegetables for Skin Health

Choosing the Right Fruits and Vegetables for Skin Health

Choosing the Right Fruits and Vegetables for Skin Health…

Fruits and Vegetables for Skin Health – Our largest organ, our skin, is one that we often overlook or treat too harshly. Makeup, sun exposure, and more can all have an impact on how our skin looks and feels. Especially during the winter, when people may find their skin is drier and flakier than usual, it’s a good idea to nourish your skin from the inside out.

“Most people want to have nice skin and take care of it, but they are not aware that what they eat can make a big difference,” explains Katherine Goldman, celebrity esthetician/waxologist and owner of the Stript Wax Bar. “The foods we eat can make our skin have more acne, become oily, or it can also help us maintain beautiful looking skin that glows.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), eating more fruits and vegetables adds nutrients to our diets, and reduces the risks of heart disease, stroke, some cancers, and helps manage body weight. Despite the many health benefits that eating them provide us, they report that 76 percent of the U.S. population doesn’t meet the requirements for fruit intake, while 87 percent don’t meet the requirements for daily vegetable intake. Those missing nutrients often lead to poor health, as well as leave us with skin conditions that could be helped by eating better foods.

Fruits and vegetables are foods that can go a long way toward helping skin to look great, feel smooth, and have that healthy glow that so many people seek. But choosing which fruits and vegetables will help us get our skin there isn’t always an easy task. Here are some of the fruits and vegetables to reach for in order to help have healthy skin:

“Added to the fact that these foods will help you have nice skin is the fact that they all taste great, too,” added Goldman. “Nourish the skin with the foods that you eat, and then come see us if there are additional areas to address. Combine these two things and your skin should look great!”

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

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