September 2011 Astrology with Mirita Zapien

What’s in store… your Astrology forecast with Mirita Zapien

Favorable: 11,18,25,26,
More Effort: 7, 21, 27

Career/ Job
Your perseverance and patience will be tested this month. At work you will want to run away even go as far as thinking your own home based business, yes these goals are great however not for this month. Expect challenge and controversy however love and commitment to your current position will help you resist all pressures and above all retain perspective.

This month you will be tempted, however resist the urge to spend on items that only serve your ego and not your needs. Network this month with all friends and acquaintances this could lead to a better position with more financial gain. Money will stabilize after the eighteen of September thanks to your creativity. A proper diet will help ward off work related stress and don’t be surprised if you have to put projects on hold health comes first above all finances.

It’s important to recognize who and what is of value now in your life. Plenty of travel could be in store for you this month. Your quest for knowledge is insatiable and learning is a piece of cake. You will find that all that what once belonged to you and you quite possibly took for granted has shifted and new and old relations are shifting, Hang in there it promises to end in a great year.

Favorable: 9,10, and 24
More Effort: 7,18, and 27

Career events that you have felt, where not resolved you are getting a second chance to look at them in a new light, which will mean a more favorable outcome. Time to mingle with co-workers organize a pot luck and do what you love to do best with those whom you associate with.

Money/ Finances
Through the 12th of September there is a chance of good money activities the planets smile on this lucky line up. If you are prone to take a chance in the lottery now’s the time. However t gambling is not being encouraged, this is one of the favorable times and more likely the money will come through a job promotion.

Relations/ Love
Due to your independence and self-reliance you may find it extremely enjoyable to organize a group of likeminded people to explore new avenues. When it comes to health, diet, exercise anything you start prior to the 18th, you are more likely to stay on track and improve your weight and health. The first week of September promises to be a joy communicating with your partner. If single enjoy networking and above all stay true to yourself and your goals.

Favorable: 11,12, and 22
More Effort: 25,26, and 27

Keep your optimism and positive energies on a high note the first two weeks of September. colleagues will appreciate your attitude and will be more open to being likeminded with your concerns.

Money/ Finances
Money issues play a big part the last half of September. Expected income may not be enough. Use your imagination to negotiate the debt issues hang in there Pisces you can do this.

Your communication skills are very high with your relationship partner share your hopes and dreams but don’t be surprised if their views differ. Use your intuitive powers to blend both views for the answer. If you are single you might want to take this month to reflect and soul search however this does not mean you should pass up opportunity this month or any month for that matter. Observe your emotions and see how they flow with potential mates my dear friend.

Favorable Days: 13th, 14th, and 15th
More Effort: 1st, 27th, and 28th

Common Sense is strong till the Fifteenth or Sixteenth, and things will appear to be moving slower. It’s important that you know how much you truly are worth, so be overly cautious after second half of the month and don’t sell yourself short. Generosity and compassion overcome all negative aspects that may appear, Promising news about the future could come your way so just relax and get some rest.

Your money and Success are re-energized sharing will bring in more abundance and great improvement financially. Look towards higher education and more opportunities. Resist pressure for long term deals and contracts, don’t make irrational decisions, and make choices for the right reason that only a positive outcome could be the solution.

It will be difficult to separate fact from fiction the first week of the month from both friends and romantic Interest. Spend time with your family and loved ones. However important to stay involved in your children’s life it’s also important that you get some “me” time. Strong pull towards freedom and Independence as well as humanitarian efforts.

Favorable Days: 16th,17th, and 18th
More Effort: 2nd, 3rd,27th and 30th

This month might become a challenge for you at work the last two weeks of the month, It’s best to observe and document, don’t waste your breath or precious energies. Combat all negativity and aggressiveness with positive optimism. Stay away from power-struggles and know that anything you say will only fall in deaf ears.

Money needs to be the priority, resist the urge to spend also a great need to give towards the less privileged. Sudden changes push Taurus to pick up the pace, and the need to want to change has to come from within you. Finances will still not match your efforts; focus on the home front to release job and money frustrations. There is gain ahead rely on your Taurus patience and creativity. Resist the urge to overspend, savings needs to be strongly in the back of your mind.

Home life will get a boost first week of the month, good time to plan a dinner for friends and relatives or a gathering. Love yourself and spend some time nurturing your soul. There’s an urge to handle responsibilities and take good care of your health. There will be endings to all outdated relationships that have nowhere to go, look at this as a process of re-generation not necessarily a negative thing. Handle pressure with relatives wisely. If single from the 9th-25th go outdoors, meet new people now’s the month to socialize. You might get an unexpected surprise from a mutual friend introduction.

Favorable: 18, 19, and 20
More Effort: 4, 5, and 27

This is a great month to use all of your creative abilities, also an extremely busy month. Use caution with an idea that seems too good to be true that could result in the opposite of what you are expecting.

Use caution in investments a sure thing is likely to be the opposite. You may want to be very careful around the 27th of September especially when dealing with loans, mortgages or insurance.

Energies are high in the home front, good time to entertain friends or that special someone with a nice dinner and lively conversation. Take it slow with a new relationship and really invest time in getting to know the person. You might also find yourself concluding past issues. Don’t waste your time with the “what If’s” questions and regrets,
Don’t waste time thinking about wasted time!! The past cannot be undone. The future is much more promising.

Favorable: 2,28, and 29
More Effort: 13,14, and 15

There are possible workplace changes that can affect you whether you are involved in the drama or not. Do your best to stay away from controlling, demanding personalities, and don’t play into the power struggle instead approach it from a loving place of acceptance tolerance and patience. The fog will clear up, and that which you were not so sure of in August and which you started can be re-evaluated and concluded because September brings much clarity, keep a positive outlook.

Keep control of budget you may find yourself having to deal with a repair either home or auto, It’s advisable to postpone major purchases. There is great potential for this month doing a side job or to earn extra money however it’s advisable that you control all impulsive spending. The extra money earned this month will be better off saved for new opportunities on the horizon.

Restrictions on the love relation will be clarified through communication in all aspects. If not in a relationship you might find yourself with a lucky connection through community gathering or a friend. There is a strong pull to going back to old habits, not going to be what you thought was going to be if you go back to old love.

Favorable: 4,27, and 28
More Effort: 3,12, and 13

This is a very busy month around the 27th, you might want to isolate yourself however that’s not possible just deal with the attitudes and avoid conflict at work at all cost. Leo, do realize that this is a transition month for you my dear so please just try and stay patient.

Fortune may smile on you a lucky find or an elegant gift perhaps an old investment may payoff. You could even trip over money in the sidewalk so pay close attention to your surroundings and belongings, which are someone else’s trash, could be your treasure.

If you are single in the beginning of the second week roughly around the 8th or 9th someone new face may come into view of your life. Enjoy the glow and take it slow! If you are in a relationship things will move along easily especially when you communicate. You may find yourself looking at the same person with new light.

Favorable: 9,10,25, and 26
More Effort: 11,12, and 30

Career/ Jobs
Your creative communication skills will be on a up-word flow and will prompt others to give you surprising information. Use caution around mid-month, things may not be what they seem so don’t do anything with this information, stay observant and simple retain an objective point of view. Sell yourself at work because no one else will do it for you there is much to be said about self-love and pride this is a great month to network your skills.

This is a great month for coupon clipping and bargain shopping. Temptation will be great spend the rewards of bargain shopping however unexpected expenses or reduced income may become a challenge. The savings will help offset your budget. Remember that early September brings much financial gain so don’t get to worried as it will all work out just fine.

The planet of communication will help you articulate and pursue others easily. People will respond to your charm and glow. If you are single you will find yourself surrounded by much flattery and attention. You will flow with your partner’s energies if you are in a committed relationship this influence however does not stop with just your romantic interest take advantage of this flow so that it can extend to relatives, colleagues and longtime friends.

Favorable: 1,2,23, and 24
More Effort: 20,21, and 27

This is a great month to explore other career options, networking skills need to be applied at full force. Libra these skills can always be applied however the full moon will emphasize this on the 12th. Encourage your co-workers to introduce you to possible job prospects.

Your financial situation has not changed much your emphasis in career efforts will show promise of some advancement for the future. Find ways to save money and re-evaluate your budget and finances. Don’t get discouraged and understand that you will reap the rewards soon enough.

You have been feeling some restrictions with your relationships patience, sensitivity, and humility and cooperation is the keys to overcome this. Discipline, love and good judgment must be used. If you are single mingle! Those of you in a non-committed relationship of course if in one then don’t forget the keys I discussed this will allow you and your partner to better understand each other.

Favorable: 2,11, and 29
More Effort: 9,10, and 27

On the 18th through early November expect work to be fast pace. You may find yourself in the lead of a new project. If possible choose your own team, cooperation and creativity peak this month.

Money will be a bit slow for the first half of the month. Do not worry the second half will start to show more rewards.

Spend time with your friends, family and children this can be an energizing source of entertainment, around the 11th is the best time day to do this. Make your health a priority this month, go get a checkup and get moving- go outdoors. If single there is a possibility to meet someone through work. If in a relationship, romance will be high so just have fun and know that you give is what you get back! Stay positive and light hearted.

Favorable: 4,5,6, and 23
More Effort: 18,19, and 20

The urge to move forward with career goals will be strong, have patience you’ll need to slow down to let others catch up to you. The best choice to make when conflict arises is to turn away.

Don’t take lightly what needs to be taken very seriously just because it’s easier to do that. Enjoy time with family and have a yard sale or ” Do it yourself project”, that will be a strong savings reward.

Don’t get caught up with pettiness with a romantic love partner around the 20th. Being picky just feeds your anxiety, go beyond appearances if you want to get ahead in the relationship. If single socialize around the 23rd, the rest of the month you will be more comfortable with familiar faces

Image: Salvatore Vuono

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