Live Like A Fruit Fly by Gabe Berman

In Live Like a Fruit Fly, Gabe Berman shares his recipe for living a more joyful, worthwhile, and abundant life in every way. A witty, entertaining, and insightful read.” – Deepak Chopra, Author, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

“Meet the new generation of consciousness-raising. Gabe’s simple, yet profound message can be a life-changer.” – Alan Colmes, Nationally Syndicated Radio Host

What more can one say after hearing the casually existential cliches, carpe diem, “live every moment like it was your last” or ‘live like there’s no tomorrow?” Blogger and Miami Herald columnist, Gabe Berman wants us to “live like a fruit fly.”

Berman reminds us of that cheerful thought; we are all dying. We’ve been dying since the moment we were born–which in the world of fruit flies seems enviable since they only get to enjoy a life span of a few weeks.  Berman wants us to stop wasting time, to make peace and happiness our top priority.  Sure, we’ve all heard this hundreds of times, but ask yourself: are you really embracing every moment?

Unconventional and endearing, Live Like a Fruit Fly: The Secret You Already Know (HCI Books –$14.95) makes the sage advice “Seize the day” feel like a revolutionary concept . . . a contemporary twist on an age-old maxim.

Fruit flies are born, begin attending to their fruit-fly agendas almost immediately, and then succumb to old age before witnessing a single change of season. Likewise, we live and die in the virtual blink of an eye.

Live Like a Fruit Fly is a call to action. Through anecdotes, insightful musings, candid stories, and hopeful messages, it emphasizes the importance of following your passions as well as being grateful through Active Appreciation, the gentle but concentrated art of meditating on ‘thank you’ for everything that has happened, is happening,

Live Like A Fruit Fly by Gabe Berman available at

Gabe Berman is a native New Yorker who settled in South Florida after graduating from the University of Miami. An epiphany, a passion, and a trail of breadcrumbs led him out of Corporate America and into a writing career. His columns appear regularly in The Miami Herald and on Visit the author at:


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