Treat Depression Without Prescription Drugs

Treat Depression Without Prescription Drugs… Moving Beyond Depression: A Whole-Person Approach to Healing by Dr.Gregory Jantz

In the past, people suffering from depression were often given two choices – medicate it or deal with it. One expert, however, believes there is a third option.

“Those suffering with depression were considered to be self-indulgent and self-obsessed,” said Dr.Gregory Jantz, a licensed mental health counselor and author of Living Beyond Depression. “Their dark moods were responded to with little patience or understanding. People with depression were often counseled to just ‘cheer up!’ When the ‘get-over-it’ method didn’t seem to work, increasing numbers of sufferers turned to medication. The use of Prozac and other anti-depressant medication has recently skyrocketed. But there is another way, and it doesn’t involve prescription medication, or any of the other age-old ‘remedies,’ such as alcoholism, drug abuse, promiscuity, eating disorders, self-mutilation, and other compulsive behaviors. It is also far more enlightened than just telling yourself to get over it. It involves objectively examining your life, and rebuilding it little by little until you are reintegrated as a whole person.”

Jantz’s method does not revolve around just going to see a therapist and talking about your problems. It’s about getting to the root of the disease of depression and fighting it with the same emotions that fuel it. He calls it the Whole-Person Approach, and it incorporates getting a handle on the following concepts that make up the key elements of our lives:

Moving Beyond Depression: A Whole-Person Approach to Healing available online at
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