Overcoming the Nevers by Teri Johnson

Overcoming the Nevers: By Gardening Your Life and Nurturing Seeds of Truth by Teri Johnson.

A part of living is enduring challenges and confronting unexpected situations. The “negative NEVERS,” which stem from our list of disappointments somehow find a way into our lives regardless of our intention. When we experience the “negativeNEVERS” that life inevitably throws at us, they leave lingering feelings of shame, embarrassment and resentment. These toxic feelings can manifest in our lives causing insecurities and fear—for some of us even depression and anxiety. Often times we start to believe lies about who we are, and seek approval from others.

Teri Johnson has been there.  She had gotten to a place of hopelessness, a place in her life where she NEVER thought she would be. Teri was stuck, and longing for freedom, restoration, and life. Through her journey, Teri discovered that it takes intentional action to restore and recover from this place, and a willingness to overcome.

Are you stuck? If so, you must read this book. Teri Johnson is honored to share with you the tools that she’s learned and how to practically use them in your life to overcome your worst NEVERS.

Overcoming the Nevers by Teri Johnson available at Amazon.com

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