Quick & Easy Blackberry Cobbler by Susan Mallery

Quick & Easy Blackberry Cobbler by Susan Mallery… inspired by the book BAREFOOT SEASON

½ C + 2 t sugar, divided

2 T cornstarch

¼ t + 1/8 t cinnamon, divided

Pinch of salt

Zest of one orange, divided

Juice of one orange

2 lb blackberries, fresh or frozen

One roll buttermilk biscuit dough

Preheat the oven to 375. Combine ½ C sugar, cornstarch, ¼ t cinnamon, and salt. Put the blackberries, 2/3 of the orange zest, and all of the orange juice into the bowl. Stir gently to coat the blackberries. Put the blackberry mixture into a 9-inch square baking pan. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until the mixture is thick and bubbly.

While the blackberries are cooking, combine 2 t sugar, 1/8 t cinnamon, and the remaining 1/3 of the zest of one orange. Set aside.

Remove from the oven and raise the temperature to 400 degrees. Divide the dough into biscuits, ball up in your hand, flatten a bit again, and place on top of the blackberries. Sprinkle sugar mixture on the biscuits. Bake for 8-10 minutes, until golden brown. Serve with vanilla ice cream.

NYT bestselling author Susan Mallery felt inspired when writing her new novel, BAREFOOT SEASON, coming out April 2012.  Her time spent in Washington led her to write a compelling romance novel and also create some unique and delicious blackberry recipes, including a delectable blackberry chipotle sauce!

BAREFOOT SEASON by Susan Mallery available at Amazon.com

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